October The National Chiropractic Month

World Spine Day

October is the national Chiropractic month and the 16th of October marks the World Spine Day.

Chiropractic care is a growing healthcare profession that provides a 100% drug- and surgery-free approach to treating a variety of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions such as back pain and neck pain.

The statistics are nearly same across the globe; with almost 80% of the population having an episode of lower back pain at some point in their lives. Chronic back pain can result in lowered productivity, which can adversely affect your earning potential – not to mention your quality of life.

Many times pain-killing opioids are prescribed as a quick-fix solution for back pain but the evidence is clear that the excessive use of opioids can be detrimental to your health. “In the United States, opioid prescription for low back pain has increased, and opioids are now the most commonly prescribed drug class. More than half of regular opioid users report back pain.” (BMJ 2015 https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.g6380)

National Chiropractic Month emphasises alternative methods of treatment which often yield better lasting results. Chiropractic is a hands-on treatment with emphasis on the proper function of the spine and nervous system.

The World Spine Day is a global day of action to highlight the burden of spinal pain and disability, and promote optimum spinal health. The theme for year 2020 is Back On Track. There is still over 2 months left in the year to get back on track with your health goals! Finish strong and make next year your best year ever!

We’re here to help you along your journey. Get in touch to find out more.